Ethel's Writing's

 Inspirational Writings by Ethel

(c) Ethel Hiday Wicksey

1.   Sinking Sand

 "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD" (Psalm 40:2-3 NIV). 

            So often, when we have been hurt by our friends, yes and even betrayed it is as we are caught up in sinking sand.
            The more we struggle to get out the deeper we sink. Only when a person stretches out their hand, and ask some one to help them from shore, can they be pulled out.
             I read in the Readers Digest. It is just about impossible to rescue people once they are caught in tidal sinking sand because of the pull. Someone found out, if a blast of air through a hose is placed beside and under a person who is caught in tidal sinking sand, the person could be pulled out.

             Some times we need that kind of force, to pull us out of the clutches of self, others and Satan. We have that power. It is called the Love of God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit. When we reach out to God and say Help, no matter how deep we are buried in sinking sand He is able to hold on to our hand, and pull us out.

             Do you feel you have been sucked in, by the forces of sinking sand? I know I do some times. I have always found that when I take the time to pray, and ask God to forgive me and I in turn forgive the person who has hurt me, that God sets me free. He places my feet on solid ground. I still will have the effect of the sinking sand in my life. You cannot tell me that a person, who is pulled out of sinking sand, doesn't need a bath.

             Yes! It will take time to heal all the hurts! We need to take steps. We need to make sure we stay on the path that God has prepared for us. If we start to take steps backward and or step off the path, we will find ourselves mired in muck all over again.
 Reach out your hand to God right now; ask him for His help, and ask Him to forgive you! He will and the burden and feelings of sinking will be all gone and you will be standing on the Solid Rock of Salvation.

             O How Firm a Foundation we have, when we have the power of God within us lifting us up. Pray to God right now and allow the healing power of His Son Jesus work a miracle in you. The muck and mire will be removed from off of us. We will start to feel clean: both inside and outside. Try it today. Jesus once He is in your heart will help to keep you out of the sinking sand.
            He is the rock on dry ground we need for our foundation. His truths never will allow you to sink.

© Ethel Hiday Wickse

2.    Be Still And Know That I Am God


My Dear Friends

Remember that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit live inside of you.

            Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Tell this to the one who is trying to torment you while you are awake, or trying to sleep.

            It is not what you do for God, Jesus, and people around you, that counts in the end, but what you do with God and Jesus, and how much time you have spent getting to know God and Jesus. God says in the Bible.

            "Be still and know that I am God."

He also said to the people after they said I did this in Jesus name that “he never knew them.”

We need to get to know Jesus and God more by spending time alone with Them. We need to stay in Their will and not go out on our own.

Mathew 7:21 Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity

            Remember to spend more time alone with Them, each day. 


© Ethel Hiday Wicksey



3.   The Whisper of God

I wrote this, the morning before my surgery
I am fortunate to have my bedroom window face the rising sun. When I am woken up early in the morning by the whisper of God, I can watch as the dark of night turns into the light of day.
            So often, in our busy life, we feel the heaviness of darkness all around us. It could be the sickness or death of a loved one. It could be a child, who has wandered off the path, like the prodigal into a wayward lifestyle.
            Tomorrow, at this time, I will be in a hospital bed not able to see the sunrise. I like you, do not know how many more sunrises I have left.
            The good news is that I have an inner peace that has never left me. Sure, like any human, I have had some fear but I keep hearing this inner whisper say, “Fear not, I am with you and will never leave you or forsake you.”
            Yes, the God I love and the God that loves you; has come to me and let me know on many occasions, that He is as close as a whisper.
“That is close!”
            Have you ever whispered a secret to a friend? Your lips just about touch their ear. You smell their breath and some times feel their cheek, as your eyelash brushes across it.
That is how close God is to me, when He wakes me up in the morning and says, “I have something special for you to write today, Emily. Get up and turn on your computer. Feel what my heart is saying to you.”
            Sometimes it is a beautiful poem. Sometimes it is words of encouragement. Sometimes, He wants me to sit back and enjoy the sunrise with Him. Each time I am woken up by the whisper of God, it becomes a completely new and exciting adventure.
Oh how blessed I am to be loved by such a wonderful, Heavenly Father. Next, time you feel a gentle nudging and the sun has not yet risen, whisper, “Yes, God, I Am Listening.” Get up and share a Sunrise with God. Hear Him whisper in your ear.
“I Love You.” 

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey



4.   The Robin

Learn to listen to God, like the Robin listens for his breakfast.
When you take time to pray today, remember to listen for the whisper of God.
The Robin gets up early when the dew is still wet on the ground, just as the sun is budding over the horizon.
He walks silently over the dew-wet grass listening for the sound of worms crawling just beneath the surface.
His life depends on it!
What hearing!
How quiet he must be to hear a worm.
Can we take a lesson on listening to God from the robin?
Our life depends on it!
A robin's hearing has to be sharp, to hear the silent slithering of a worm just below his feet.
Have you heard a worm?
Have you heard God’s voice?
God speaks to us each day.
We need to rise, with the sun, before we are distracted and listen for God’s voice.
It comes ever so quietly, like a worm crawling just below our feet.
Be still and listen, not for worms, but for God's voice whispering:
“Come to Me.”
“I am here.”
“I love you.”
“Let us pray.”

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey


5.   Bend So You Will Not Break

Have you ever been in a situation where you know you are right about something and most of the people you talk to have a different opinion. I have and found I have been so right that I broke the branch. I would not give an inch and the other person would not give an inch.
            Weeks later, it did not matter who was right. I held onto my opinion and the other person held on to theirs. They had bible proof that they were right and I had bible proof that I was right. 
            The thought came to me the other day that both of us would not give an inch. It was as if we both had our hands on a branch. I was bending the branch one way and the other person was bending it their way. Soon the branch was ready to break. You can only bend a branch so far and then it will snap. That is the same way with friendships. If we do not give and take in some situations, we will bend the relationship so far that we can loose a friend. 
            As we study the Bible, remember that your opinion and the other person opinion might both be right. You, through your experience look at a bible verse from your perspective. They look at it through their understanding.
Pray and release the whole situation over to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to be with the two of you as you pray about it. Be willing to change your opinion if the Holy Spirit shows you a new perspective. Listen to your friends and see where they are coming from. Ask them to listen and pray with you. A lot of the time there is no answer. That is the time to file it in the ask Jesus when you get to heaven file.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey

6.   Do You Know Jesus Like You Know Your Mother? 

            I heard those words on 100 Huntley Street tonight.
            Do I know Jesus as I know my mother? It says in the Bible that we are to know Jesus, No! I do not mean know about Him, I mean really know him. 
            Why not use our mothers for an example of how we are supposed to know Jesus. Last Sunday was Mothers Day. We that still are blessed with our mothers tried to do something extra special for them. If your mother is not with you any more, you likely will remember what favourite food or dessert she makes just for you. You can describe the colour of her hair or the pattern that was in wallpaper on her bedroom wall. You will remember the times she held you in her arms, when you had a scrape on your knee, then kissed it to make the hurt go away.
            What about God? He sent his Son down to earth for us to get to know. I do not just mean read about but to really get to know. When you know someone, you usually know the colour of his or her hair. What flowers they like. Their favourite dessert! You know what they like to drink, what music they like to listen too. You will remember the last time you sat and had a chat with them. You might not remember what the chat was about but you will remember the friendship and the laughter. What about your mother? Can you remember where you were when you had your last chat with her? For some of you it will be on Sunday but a lot of your mothers have passed on to a new and better place. Some of them at this very moment might be in intercessory prayer to God on your behalf. 
            The question still is unanswered. Do you know Jesus like you know or knew your own mother? Let me take you back to when you were five years old. You have just tripped over the family dog and cut your knee. The red stuff is on your hands and knee. Did you stop playing and run to your mother so she could give you a hug and wash the dirt off the cut, or did you just keep on with what you were doing and forget about your hurt? Most of us ran to our mothers. 
            Some times, I get so busy I forget to listen to my master’s voice. I am out there trying to please everyone but God and Jesus. He calls my name each day, but some times, He has to use a foghorn to get my attention.
            God created Adam and Eve to walk with him in the garden. God created mothers to nurture their children in somewhat the same way God nurtured Adam and Eve. God told them no! A mother is constantly saying no to her children who want to do things that might get them into trouble. It is done in love just like God telling Adam and Eve to leave the fruit from a certain tree alone. 
            God told Adam and Eve to leave the Garden because of their sin of disobedience. God is saying to you that the door to the Garden of Eden is open. Get down on your knees and repent and humbly come to the garden and worship Me, and my Son Jesus Christ. God is saying to each one of us today and forever.
            “Come enter into a relationship with Me your Father, My Son Jesus Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to anoint you and walk with me in the cool of the morning or evening. Share your day with me. Tell me what it is that makes you happy. Share your likes and dislikes with me. Share what it is that is bothering you. Share your hearts and what it is you need me to do to help get you through your day. When something happy happens let me know so that I can be happy along with you. When you have more than you need, share the abundance with Me, so that I can help others. Do not forget to thank me, once in a while for what I am doing for you.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey


7.   Faith Stories

Faith stories are treasures to be passed from one generation to the next. In a culture that scoffs at spiritual truth, they offer living proof that God exists and is intimately involved in the lives of those who follow Him.
            Scripture acknowledges their value and encourages us to do likewise:
"I will teach you hidden lessons from the past-stories we have heard and know, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD. We will tell of his power and the mighty miracles he did...He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children so the next generation might know them-even the children not yet born-that they in turn might teach their children, so each generation can set its hope anew on God, remembering his glorious miracles and obeying his commands." (Psalm 78:2-7)
            When our children hear stories of God's faithfulness to their ancestors, they'll be encouraged to trust Him, too. Lord willing, someday they'll repeat those stories to their own children. From generation to generation, God's name will be honored and lives will be impacted for eternity. What's more important than that?

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey



8.   How To Get Rid Of The Gray Areas In Your Life

1. This question was asked me at the women’s retreat this weekend.
2. Looking back over my life, I can see a lot of gray areas. I thank God that He forgave me for my sins when I came to Him and repented.
3. Today is a new page in my life. God’s forgiveness is like removing a page of writing on your computer. When you press the delete button on the computer, you have two choices to make.
4. Go on with your work and start a new sentence. Leave your mistakes in Gods hands.
5. Click on the undo typing in the edit section and bring back everything that you have deleted.
6. God’s memory is like the delete button of the computer. Once it is pressed and you go on with a new word the mistake is removed from the computer forever.
 Satin is like the undo typing button. He loves to go into our past and throw all our mistakes back into our face.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey



9.   Bible Study

The Spirit of God, takes the word of God, applies it to the child of God, to make us more like the Son of God
Let us think this through;
If we pray and ask God, He will allow The Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and bring to our remembrance all we have read from His holy book the Bible.
The Spirit of God that lives in us, takes the word of God we read, and helps us apply it to the way we think and live so that when people look at us, they can see the reflection of God’s Son in us.
Let us break this down even more;
God sent His Holy Spirit to live in us. God wants us to pray and ask for help before we do anything. His own Son Jesus said He did nothing without talking to His Father first. When we read the Bible, we learn God’s word and the life of Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit help you understand it. The Holy Spirit of God helps us take what we have read and put it into practice every day. When we do this, we become more like God’s Son, Jesus.
When God fills us with His Holy Spirit, the same spirit that dwells in you dwells in me. We can quench God’s Spirit from working in us by our sin.
Thank You God, for loving us enough, to send Your Holy Spirit, to help us every day.
Thank you for giving us the bible.
Help us become more and more like your Son, Jesus Christ.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey


10.   I’me’it is

A question, was asked me, by a good friend this month. It was “Why do I do what I do?” This person wanted me to defend my actions. I had to defend the WHYS in my life.          WHY I give books away, WHY I give roses away, WHY I drive people places. WHY I write and share my personal thoughts. WHY I have made hundreds of puppets and given them away. WHY I have gatherings and invite people to come and share a meal. WHY I give testimonies of how God has blessed me. This was hard on me. I was using to many I’s and me’s, when I shared my WHYS. Soon I got frustrated then angry. I was so angry that the next day I decided I did not want this friend in my life any more.
            I was accused of bragging or boasting when I shared how I had been blessed by God. I had been sharing some of the things I had accomplished in my life.
All this hurt at the time, but God had a plan for it. He was the instigator of the whole evening. Looking back over the past month, I see this incident, as a time of growth in my life. It started me soul searching, which is a good thing if you have people to come along side of you to support you and pick up the peaces. Searching out our mind and heart and finding why we do what we do in life is very hard to do. One thing I was encouraged to start doing, is getting rid of a lot of the I’s and Me’s in my life.
            It has always been God helping me and giving me the talents to do what I do. I am whom I am because of the gifts given to me from God. He gave me these talents, and gifts to bless His church and the people out in the community that need to be blessed.
It is not about me Ethel, but God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, living inside of me. I am nothing on my own. With God as my Creator, Jesus as my Savior and Holy Spirit guiding me, I become more Christ like every day. I am inspired to write deeper thoughts. New and better ideas are given when I sit down to make roses or puppets.
            I come up with a new word, to describe what the symptoms of what I had wrong with me are.

 I’ME’ITIS = Pride, Self-centered, Selfishness putting me first, saying I too much.
I looked the suffix itis up on the computer and this is what I found.
Main Entry: -itis
Function: noun suffix
1: disease or inflammation <bronchitis>
2 plural usually -itises: condition likened to a disease -- chiefly in nonce formations <televisionitis>

            I thought of an object lesson that was used in one of my clown acts to demonstrate the opposite of I’ME’ITIS.
I gave each person a different coloured piece of wool about six feet long. The people were broken up into groups of four. The groups were told to twist their pieces of wool together. Next, they were broken up into groups of 12, and told to braid the three strands of wool together. A volunteer brought the finished products to the front. I held one stand of wool and had the volunteer pulled on it. It broke in two, right away. Next, we pulled on the braded wool. We could no break it. We could pull on it all day and it would not break.
            That is the way it is with our life. If we try to stand, alone we will break, if we are pulled to hard. Braded together, with the other Christians in our church we become stronger and will be able to stand firm when things start to happen to us.
            This reminded me of how our family was blessed; four years ago after the doctors told me I had breast cancer. I was a broken woman. I went to see several close friends from church and we wept in each other’s arms. I was not alone. My friends started to pray for me. My People Pocket and other church groups started to bring us meals after the many surgeries. We hired a woman from the church to come help clean the house.
            The memory of a visit from one of the new women at our People Pocket group will stay with me for the rest of my life. She brought a chicken casserole to share with us in our time of need. I invited her to stay and chat for a while. Since that precious day, we have shared so much together. We encouraged each other by phone several times a week. Inspiration from God comes over the phone lines. Many tears were shed. Lots of encouragement and prayer support was available. It was only a phone call away.
            Arms are there to hold each other in times of need. When one of us is hurting, the other person would pray and we could make it through the day easier. This precious friend has been given a kea to our hearts and our house. She has become a part of our family. She is my best friend now. Thank you God for small group Bible Studies, and the friends we make at them.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey 

11.   A Cord of Three

Ecclesiastes. 4:12
And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three {strands} is not quickly torn apart.

The rainbow of precious cords God has given us, to help us get rid of the disease of I’ME’ITIS begins by finding JOY.

JOY is spelt this way.
J = Jesus first
O = Others second.
Y = Yourself last.
The prescription the bible gave me to help me get rid of a bad case of I’ME’ITIS, was to put, Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.
God bless you as you try to get rid of the I’ME’ITIS in your life.

Micah 7:19 paraphrased

God does not hold on to his anger forever, because He delights in mercy. God will turn again. He will have compassion on us; God will subdue our iniquities; and He will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey



12.  Fishing in the Ocean of Unforgiveness

“I hurt someone when I was a teenager. My best friend Ann came for a drive with me to visit my aunt, two weeks after passing my driver’s test. On our way home, a drunk driver ran a red light, and hit the passenger side of my car. Ann’s back was broken, and I walked away without a scratch.

            “I visited Ann every day for the first few months. When I realized that she would never be able to figure skate again, my heart became heavy. It was hard to visit her at her house and see all the figure skating trophies in the case her father had built for them. The more I visited Ann, the heaver my heart became.

            “Soon I was uncomfortable visiting Ann, because the guilt was causing a barrier to grow between us. I will say this though; Ann never once blamed me for the accident, even though, my friends and her family did, but Ann always had a kind word whenever I visited her.

            “I never forgave myself for what happened. I sat and mulled the incident over and over in my mind. The more I thought about it the more I blamed myself. I prayed to God and asked for His help, but I could never forgive myself. The year after the accident my father was transferred to London and I never saw Ann again.

            “One day when I was visiting my mother in London, I stopped at Wal-Mart to buy some baby clothes. I had just put the cutest pair of baby shoes into my cart when I looked up. Ann was coming down the isle right towards me. I looked around but there was no place to slip out of site and escape. I could not avoid her.

            “I had to face her and talk with her. My palms began to sweat and my body tremble. This was going to be hard. It had been ten years, since the accident.

            “Ann called my name and drove her electric scooter over and asked, “how are you doing Sue, I haven’t seen you in years.” She had a big smile on her face, and gave me a big hug when I bent over to hug her. I couldn’t believe it Ann was glad to see me.

            “I told her that I was fine and that I was picking out some baby cloths for the baby I was going to have in three months.

             Ann asked, “Do you have time to join me for lunch at McDonald’s?”

            “I tried to think of an excuse but decided to join her. I bought lunch and sat across from Ann. My hands were shaking as I ate my Big Mack and fries. I asked her, “Where are you living?”

            “Ann told me, “I am living near Woodstock, and am a minister in a small church.” She told me how her electric scooter helped her be independent and that her van was equipped with a lift so she could drive it everywhere.”

            “I told her that I taught math in a high school near Ingersoll.”

            “Ann asked me who I had married.”

            “I pulled out my wedding pictures and showed them to her. I told her “Nathan and I have been married for two years now and we will be having our first baby in three months.”

            “Ann was excited and pulled some pictures out of her purse and showed me a picture of her twin boys and her husband Rodger.

            “We talked about our families and what we had been doing. The air was getting heavy as I started to think back to the car accident. It was hard for me to speak the words I was thinking. A few tears escaped and trickled down my cheeks. With much effort, I finally stammered; “I am sorry about the accident Ann. I still blame myself.”

            Ann looked me in the eye. With love and concern in her voice she asked me, “Have you been Fishing in The Ocean of Unforgiveness all these years Sue.”

            “What do you mean by? Fishing in the Ocean of Unforgiveness,” I asked.

            “Come out to my van where it is more private Ann, and I will share what I have learned with you.”

            “After going through the check out, I put my shopping into my car, and then I joined Ann in her van.”

            She told me, “I wrote my theses’ on forgiveness. I have spent four years as a Chaplin at the hospital, working with families who have been traumatized by accidents. Some of the patients have been drunk drivers who had caused the death of someone, and face time in prison. If it weren’t for the car accident ten years ago, I wouldn’t be as effective, when I share God’s words from the Bible on forgiveness.

            “I teach the patients and families about the love of Jesus, and how he died on the cross for them. I teach how God tells us that He forgives us when we repent. He is merciful, and He will forgive all our sins and throw them into the deepest ocean. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to what our sins deserve. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love for us when we repent; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD God has compassion on us when we ask to be forgiven.”

            Ann told me, “I have found over the years that we are our own worst enemies and have a hard time forgiving our self, even when we know that our friends and God have forgiven us.” She asked me, “Are you ready to forgive yourself, Sue?”

            I sat there with my mouth ajar. I realized at that moment, that I had been fishing in The Ocean of Unforgiveness every day for the past ten years and caught a big one. I hung onto the blame of the accident for dear life and could not let it go. It had become a life line to me.”

            Ann told me, “I have never blamed you for the car accident Sue. Other people might have blamed you but remember, I was in the car with you that day and I know what really happened. It was never your fault. The other driver was drunk and you did not have time to stop when he drove through the red light and hit us.”

            She told me, “Your Heavenly Father wants to take your burdens away Sue. It is time for you to stop going out in the boat and fishing in The Ocean of Unforgiveness. Give the past to God and stop hashing it over and over in your mind. Forgive yourself once and for all and be set free...”

            “Ann was a true friend that day. She told me, “Let go of the past, cut the fishing line and let me help you row your boat to shore, allowing God’s peace to wash over you and be set free from The Ocean of Unforgiveness.”

            “Our Heavenly Father removed the heavy burdens from my past that afternoon, and I no longer blame myself for the accident. I have been free ever since.

            “That was in the spring. Ann and I are best friends again. She only lives fifteen minutes from me. She is sitting on my deck, holding her namesake; my new baby Daughter Ann, in her arms, while she keeps an eye on her children who are playing in the yard, while I prepare their lunch. It is wonderful what truth and forgiveness can do.

            When God forgives your sins, He remembers them no more. God will throw your sins into the Sea of Forgetfulness and put a sign up that says, NO FISHING ALLOWED. Stop trying to fish where God has told you not to. Cut the line that connects you to your past. Forgive yourself and accept God’s forgiveness and be set free forever.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey


13.   Go Forth With Love

      I will use you to show My people, My passionate love I have for them. Go forth from this day taking your friends by the hand and gently telling them how much they are loved by Me. Share with them how I long to spend time with them every day. I created them so that I could love them and in return, they could love Me back. I am Love! Jesus is Love. The Holy Spirit, is the power released when My love and Jesus Love lives in side of My peoples heart.

      When you combine Our love, with your love, mountains begin to tremble, crumble and then fall. Broken hearts are mended. Sickness is removed. My people become whole. Joy, Peace, Kindness, and Love start to well up, in the hearts of my people. Lonely people are cared for. The pour are fed. The prisoner is set free.

      This love is contagious and soon starts to spread like a joyful song. Soon My people are laughing, smiling and Joy is returned. The homes of My people start to reign with kind words and thoughtful deeds. Husbands will love their wife and wives will love their husband, like Jesus loves his bride.

      New respect will be given to parents by their children. The Bible will be opened every day in the homes of these families as the father reads to his wife and children. Strife will cease between brothers ands sisters. The torch of love will spread from home to home. Whole communities will be effected.

      A might cry of prayer will go up from my people. Light will over power darkness.  Today is the Day for my people to be set free.

      Start to pray, Call up to Me!

      Have everyone be silent and prepare to march around, their Jericho. When I call out to you, shout with a mighty shout and bring down the walls of sin. Join hands and walk forward into battle and you will conquer and be set free.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

This writing was given to me on Sunday morning, while I was praying.

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey


14.  COME or GO

COME:            to move toward; draw near; as come here;

GO:                  to move away; to pass from place to place;

            I took out my NIV computer bible to look up the word 'COME' and couldn't find the verse I was looking for. You might think, what am I getting at? When I got out my King James Bible I found the verse I was looking for. The word 'COME' had been changed from 'COME' to 'GO' in the NIV. This might be just a simple error on the part of the persons who wrote the NIV but it changed the whole meaning of the verse. The verse I was looking up was GENESIS 7; 1. Then the Lord said to Noah, " 'COME' into the ark you and all your household because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation." was changed to  the Lord then said to Noah, " 'GO' into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation."

            When I look up the word COME, it had a whole different meaning than 'GO'. Just think GOD had to be inside the ARK and invited Noah and his family to 'COME" inside with him. This gave new meaning to the Noah's Ark story. God was within the ark with Noah and his family. If I asked you to 'COME' into my house I have to be inside my house to invite you to 'COME' in. If I said 'GO' to my house I wouldn't have to be there for you to 'GO' to my house.

          Just think. God was with Noah and his family to encourage them and help take the fear away.

            Noah obeyed God and took a giant step of faith and built an ark on dry ground. He and his family must have gone through rough times as his friends and family teased him. He never gave up and worked till the ark was finished. When Noah was all through and had all the animals on board the ark God 'CAME' into the ark and saw everything Noah had done. God asked Noah to bring his family and 'COME' and join Him inside the ark.    

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28

            'COME' to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

            I am glad the word in this verse wasn't changed from 'COME' to 'GO'. In my every day walk with God and Jesus, it is so good to know that Jesus is waiting there with his arms out stretched saying to all of us 'COME' and I will take your burden away. 'COME' and I will give you rest.

            It must have been so much easier for Noah and his family on the ark because God dwelled with them. When we accept Jesus offer and 'COME' unto him He with God and the Holy Spirit will 'COME' inside of us and take our burdens way. Just think, Noah was in the presence of God, but we can have the presence of God live inside of us. What Power! What Joy!  What a blessing!  To know that God lives inside of us!  How humbling. To know that God loves us so much that he is willing to 'COME' and live inside me Ethel a broken vessel. He lives in me Ethel with all my imperfections. Whispering in my ear!  “You can change. I have a plan for your life. Hold me in your heart and I will help you overcome all your sins.”

            This is too awesome for me to grasp. Me Ethel, a bruised and broken vessel can be made whole if I will surrender myself into the loving hands of my God. The potter can't work the clay if it is hard. God can't work with us if we are hard of heart. First the potter must add moister to the clay and make it pliable. God does this with our prayers, and the prayers of our friends.

            He wants to send a refreshing rain into our lives. It is when we read the scriptures and surrender to Jesus and answer I will ‘COME’, that we are given from the well that Jesus talks about living water. This is the water that God uses to make our dried up clay pliable. Yes if we don't stay in the word of God and read his word the clay that we are, begins to crumble. By staying in the word daily God then is able to take the clay that we are and re shape it into a new vessel that will be without crack. This vessel will be able to hold the oil of the Holy Spirit and go out and help other people.

           Are you willing to surrender to God and listen to Jesus and ‘GO’ to Him when he says ‘COME?'

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey


15.   A Town Called Body

I want to tell you the story about the Hand Family. They lived in the town of Body, at the end of Arm Street. For years, they had lived together in harmony.

 Mr. and Mrs. Feet lived at the bottom of the hill on Leg Street, with their Toe Family.

 Several Hair Families lived at the top of the hill on Head Street. They had so many children, that they lost count of them. As soon as anew batch of baby Hairs came along the older ones would have to leave home. The Hair Families were worse than rabbits, on how many offspring they produced each year.

 Now, let’s get back to the Hand Family. Everything was going just fine. Every night the Hand Family would put their Hand’s together in prayer. When the eight Fingers and two Thumbs of the Hand family touched in prayer, they all pointed straight up toheaven.

 One day, the twins, Right Pointer Finger and Left Pointer Finger got together and started to tease their brother’s Timmy and Tommy Thumb. “You are missing a joint.

We have two joints and can bend our Finger in two places; you can bend your Thumb in one place.”

 The Baby Fingers joined in saying, “Timmy and Tommy are fat and stubby.”

 Soon all eight Fingers were having fun teasing Timmy and Tommy Thumb. “The two of you are always pointing in the wrong direction. We point up with our fingers, while you point to the right or left.”

 That night at prayer, the two Thumbs were so hurt, that they curled up across the palm of their mommy and daddy Hand. The eight Fingers had a hard time touching each other. There was a big gap between the Hands. The day before, when the Hand Family came together in prayer, the Fingers and Thumbs pointed up to heaven. Now the two Thumbs were bent over with sadness.

 The teasing continued for several days. Soon the eight Fingers did not come together to pray any more. They did not want to touch the Thumbs.

 The Fingers got together and told Timmy and Tommy, “we don’t want you to be a part of our family any more. You both must have been adopted, because you don’t look like us. Leave us alone and do not talk to us any more. Don’t even come near us.”

 The two Thumbs were heartbroken and felt so sad.

 They got together and started to whisper. “I have had enough of this teasing Tommy.”

 “What do you think we should do about it,” Tommy asked.

 “How about if we both go on strike tomorrow Tommy; we won’t do any work.”

 “That is a good idea, Timmy. We won’t help the Fingers do anything tomorrow. We will just pretend we do not exist. As far as they are concerned we are dead.”

 “I don’t want to be a part of the Hand family anymore. I would like to run away but can’t because I am joined to them.” Tommy said.

 The next morning Tommy and Timmy went on strike. They would not move. Right Pointer Finger reached down with the Baby Finger and the two other Fingers. They tried to pick up the hairbrush so they could brush the Hair Family who lived at the end of Head Street. They found it impossible to do. They tried to squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush, but couldn’t open the lid. They tried to put socks on the Feet Family to protect the Toes and were not able to pull them up.

 The Feet Family got impatient so slipped their bare feet into the shoes without having socks on. The Hand family reached down but could not do up the shoelaces. The Feet family took a step; tripped on the untied shoelaces and just about fell over. They kicked off the shoes and slipped their Feet into bedroom slippers. This all happened within ten minutes of the Hand family getting out of bed. They tried to talk with the two Thumbs, Timmy and Tommy, but got no response.

 It is too bad that a video camera wasn’t rolling, when the Hand family tried to feed Mouth on Lip Street her breakfast. The milk jug fell onto the floor. The box of cereal spilt all over the kitchen table. They tried to open the jars of jam and peanut butter, but had no luck, so Mouth had to eat her toast plain. The clean shirt on Chest Street has so many spills on it that the Hands on Arm Street had to go up to their bedroom and change into clean clothes before going to school. It took them longer than usual because they could not do the buttons up on the shirt and had to put on a pullover instead.

 They tried to ride their bikes, but the Hands could not hold onto the handlebars; the slippers on Feet Street kept sliding off the pedals. They gave up and the two Feet on Leg Street had to run all the way to school so they wouldn’t be late. The Toes from the Feet family began to hurt without the protection of their socks.

 At school, it got even worse. When it came time for keyboarding, the Pointer Fingers had to hit the space bar. The pen had to be held between the Right Pointer Finger and the other Fingers. The two Hands had to stay after school, for a detention, because their teacher was so upset with their sloppy handwriting.

 Because of the detention, the Hands were late for the base ball game. The Hand family, were the best batters on the team. They had hit several home runs that season. When it came time for them to go to bat, they couldn’t hold the baseball bat. Their baseball team lost the game. They kept begging the two Thumbs to help them and got no response.

 The eight Fingers called a family conference. What have we done? We realize our life has not been the same since we started picking on Timmy and Tommy Thumb.

 We can’t pray together. The Hair family is in tangles. The Tongue, on Head Street is complaining about bad breath. We can’t hold a pen or open a tube of toothpaste without the Thumbs help. Mouth has been complaining all day about eating toast without peanut butter and jam. We lost the baseball game because the Thumbs wouldn’t help us hold the baseball bat.

 The Foot family is complaining of blisters on their Toes because of not wearing socks today.

 “We need to ask our brothers Timmy and Tommy Thumb, to forgive us.”

 That night when it was time to get ready for bed, the eight Fingers talked to Tommy and Timmy Thumb.

 “We are sorry for the way we treated you. Will you forgive us?” they asked in unison. “We didn’t realize how important you are to the Hand family, and everybody who lives in the town of Body.”

 “Yes we will forgive you,” the two Thumbs reply.” It felt so good to be able to talk, after not speaking all day.

 “We need to ask God to forgive us also,” Right Pointer Finger told the other Fingers.

 The two Hands joined together in prayer just like they used to do, with all their Fingers touching; pointing up to God in heaven. The eight Fingers pray, “God, will you please forgive us for teasing and hurting out brothers Timmy and Tommy Thumb? We have hurt so may of our friends in the town of Body. We are sorry.”

 When the prayer was over the Hand family felt so much better. The Fingers and Thumbs were touching each other, after being apart for so long. They all went down and made toast with peanut butter and jam to give Mouth on Head Street, for a bedtime snack.

 That night when they were brushing the Hair family on Head Street, they asked the Hair family to forgive them for the way they had acted. They put some soothing ointment on the blistered Toes and asked for their forgiveness. They spent extra time brushing the Teeth family on Lip Street, to get rid of jungle mouth.

 There was peace once again in the town of Body. Everyone lived in harmony knowing that they needed each other. They all had an important job to do. The fingers learned available lesson. If they didn’t treat each other with love and kindness, the work didn’t get done.


1.   Sinking Sand
2.   Be Still And Know That I Am God
3.   The Whisper of God
4.   The Robin
5.   Bend So You Will Not Break
6.   Do You Know Jesus Like You Know Your Mother? 
7.   Faith Stories
8.   How To Get Rid Of The Gray Areas In Your Life
9.   Bible Study
10.  I’me’it is
11.  A Cord of Three
12.  Fishing in the Ocean of Unforgiveness
13.  Go Forth With Love
14.  COME or GO
15.  A Town Called Body

© Ethel Hiday Wicksey 2007 










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